Sunday, March 27, 2011

Session 8

In Reinventing Cinema: Movies in the Age of Convergence, new media technologies such as youtube are discussed in relation to their potential to allow consumers to become producers. This aspect has been discussed as the rise of participatory culture. Websites such as youtube have made media consumers active in they way they contribute to the film culture. The same way blogs have allowed nonprofessionals to contribute to film culture, a video-sharing site such as youtube allows that participation in its own way. These videos, such as fake trailers, posted by users are clearly examples of that participatory culture. Such aspects new media are usually considered as utopian potential of digital media. Although participation is valued as enabling audiences, there are some skeptical views or realities that should also be considered. One of these views sees such participation by audiences as the use of free labor by media companies. That is to say, media companies are taking advantage of audiences as they put time and labor into such participation. This participation may also be viewed as audiences contributing to a fan culture that ultimately serves the interest of these media companies.  In this view youtube becomes a marketing tool for media companies. “Consumer-marketing complex” is one way of characterizing this new context. Another view characterizes this situation as consumers “fueling the entertainment machine.”  The logical conclusion of this view is that the distinction between entertainment and marketing is being erased.  However, as Tryon argues, there are other explanations that offer competing views, or point to other aspects of this new context that are important. For example, the notion of “critical intertextuality” suggests that viewers are not “passive” consumers manipulated by the marketing machine of Hollywood. Tryon shows that fake trailers could be used as a way of criticizing the “canned marketing” of Hollywood. 

 The Original Scary "Mary Poppins" Recut Trailer

Sunday, March 20, 2011

session seven

Reinventing Cinema: Movies in the Age of Media Convergence is an insightful book that questions many of my previous assumptions about cinema. These assumptions cover various aspects of filmmaking and film viewing. These include assumptions about film production, film distribution, and film viewing experience and writing about film. In many ways the book argues that convergence developments have meant many aspects of film culture have changed or are beginning to change. For film production, for example, DIY (Do it Yourself) filmmaking has become possible. Filmmaking is no longer only for professionals with connection to large studios that have the only means to make films. For film distribution, convergence context and digital media have meant the traditional channels of film distribution are being challenged.  If DIY filmmakers can use digital media to make films, they can also use digital media to distribute them. Youtube has been used by these filmmakers to “generate buzz”, and distribute their films. Those who find pirated copies of films have also used Youtube. In this context the digital media have become a site where those who have the traditional means of filmmaking and distribution struggle against those who do not follow the same rules. Writing about film and commenting on film is perhaps one of the most explicit ways in which film culture is changing because of new media. Blogging and armature commentary have meant that writing about film is no longer the occupation of a few privileged film critics. Film consumption and viewing experience has also changed. While viewing film in a darkened theater with a group of strangers is still popular, it is no longer the only way to experience film. One assumption or argument that keeps getting repeated is that these new experiences in film viewing are not as good because they do not involve big screens. I have to question that argument for at least two reasons. First, I am not certain that watching film on smaller screens is any less pleasurable. Second, larger screens are now available at homes (bigger higher quality television screens and other projecting technologies).

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Session 6

Session 6

The readings this week address cyberspace from different perspectives. What is common in all of these readings is that they show that cyberspace, like the real world, is not without race, gender and sexual norms and other social and cultural divisions. In “Sex lives in Second Life”, Brookey and Cannon discuss sexual and gender roles in cyberspace. In “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”, Lisa Nakamura writes about racialization of labor in World of Wacraft. Gunkel and Hetzel Gukel examine the implications of using metaphors such as “new world” and “new frontiers” for describing MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role playing games). The article by Ducheneaut et al is different in that it explains how World of Warcraft functions as a game and the gaming experience for the players. One of the most interesting aspects of this article is that it shows why and how this game is popular.

I now focus on Brookey and Cannon to show the presence of social and real life divisions in cyberspace. What distinguishes Brookey and Cannon’s approach from others, in my opinion, is that they are more cautious about utopian and liberatory perspectives so common amongst the writers of cyberspace. [The liberatory perspective, I should add, is the most dominant view among the scholars in Iran that write about cyberspace.] Gunkel and Hetzel Gunkel make this point as well. Brookey and Cannon make clear there are limits to such utopian perspectives. They draw from the work of Michel Foucault (e.g., the ‘‘docile body’’, or “the active embodiment of disciplinary practices”) to theorize the agency of players in cyberspace who have a traditional, and sometimes violent, approach to gender and sexuality. Here we see why the choices of gender for the avatar in Second Life, male and female, perfectly illustrate the real life gender and sexual norms. Another example of reproducing traditional gender roles is the choice of clothing. As Brookey and Cannon show, stores in Second Life sell clothing that draw on traditional notions of feminine sexual attractiveness. In short, liberatory perspectives are blind to these important insights.